Current Schedule: 8/22 from 4-6:30pm – we are planning a kick-off at the Derrick Family Compound in Shadyside (1320 West River Rd)….swimming, boating, volleyball, potluck food, etc….we also want to make sure parents can attend from 6:15-6:30 for a parent meeting…..attached is our information/permission form if you want to complete it prior to this event…..we will also have copies for you to complete while there….more to come on this soon….wanted to try to get the event on everyone’s calendar!
9/12, 9/26, 10/10 – “regular” meetings (7-8:30pm at the church)
10/24 – fall service project….time/details to come soon
11/7 – quarterly food/bring-a-friend – these are intended to be special as we will have food and want to encourage the youth to bring friends (of course, friends are free to come to any meeting, but hopefully the existence of a “bring-a-friend” event will encourage them to think about/invite people throughout the year!)
11/21 – “regular” meeting
Month of December – Advent study – Details to follow
12/4 – lock-in – details to come later
12/19 – visit Country Home/deliver craft and sing Christimas Carols to residents
1/9 – “regular” meeting
1/23 – Parent Dinner
2/6 – quarterly food/bring-a-friend
2/25-2/27 – Manidokan retreat – tentative…need to finalize
3/1 – Pancake supper/Play
3/6, 3/20, 4/3, 4/17 – “regular” meeting
5/1 – quarterly food/bring-a-friend
5/15 – “regular” meeting
6/5 – end of year party – West River Camp (hopefully!)